Jing Zhang

Dr. Jing Zhang completed all of her academic and clinical training at the classically oriented Chengdu University of TCM in Sichuan Province, China. She holds a Bachelor of Medicine degree (specializing in acupuncture and moxibustion, 5 years program), a Master of Medicine degree (specializing in integrating TCM and modern medicine, 3 years program) and a Ph.D. in Internal Medicine of TCM, 3 years program. From 1999 until 2008 Dr. Zhang worked as a TCM doctor, acupuncturist and teacher at the Teaching Hospital of Chengdu University of TCM.

Dr. Zhang has extensive experience in clinical practice, teaching and research in the field of Internal Medicine, Gerontology and Rehabilitation as well as the Integration of TCM and Western Medicine.

Dr. Zhang is a TCM instructor and clinic supervisor in Pacific Rim College and Oshio TCM College in Victoria, BC.

Doctor of TCM (Dr.TCM)
Registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner (R.TCM.P)
Registered Acupuncturist (R.Ac)
Ph.D TCM (China)
Internal Medicine
Integrated Medicine
Chengdu University of TCM (Sichuan PR. China)